Curricululm Vitae - David Gress |
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European political and intellectual history
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The American Civil War
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Italian and Spanish 20th-century history
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Classical civilization and its heritage
Education |
1970-72 |
Philosophy and Classics, University of Copenhagen
1972-75 |
Classical Tripos, University of Cambridge
1975-81 |
Ph D in History, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
Positions held |
1981 |
Research Fellow, Carlsberg Foundation, Denmark, and Lecturer, University of Copenhagen
1982-83 |
National Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
1983-84 |
Maître d’études, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
1984-92 |
Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
1989-91 |
Adjunct Professor, Department of History, Stanford University
1990 |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Odense University, Denmark
1992-95 |
John M. Olin Professor, Adelphi University
1993-94 |
Visiting Professor, University of Cambridge, and Visiting Fellow, Gonville and Caius College
1994-2000 |
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
1995-2000 |
Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute and Co-Director of its History Academy
1996-2001 |
Senior Research Fellow, Danish Institute of International Affairs
1999 |
Visiting Professor of Political Science, Aarhus University
1999-2001 |
Associate Professor of Classics, Aarhus University, Denmark
2001-2003 |
John M. Olin Professor of The History of Civilizations, Boston University |
2003-2008 |
Commentator, Jyllands-Posten
2011 |
Commentator, Berlingske Tidende |
2015-2021 |
Teacher of history, high school division, The American School in Switzerland |
Summary of Research Activities
by Date and Main Subject |
1975-79 |
The medieval papacy, canon law, origins of state sovereignty
1976-78 |
Marxism, environmentalism, and democracy
1978-79 |
Marxism, culture, and politics in Italy |
1982-85 |
The West German peace movement of the 1950s and 1980s in the context of European
security policy and West German political culture
1984 |
Research trip to the Soviet Union
1984-88 |
Post-1945 West German political history; the origins, ideology, and post-1970 fiscal crisis
of the Scandinavian welfare state; post-1945 French intellectual history
1986 |
2-month research trip to Germany
1988 |
Research trips to Germany, France, UK
1990-91 |
7-month research and teaching stay in Denmark and Germany
1993-94 |
Cambridge: teaching and research on the idea of the West |
1994-96 |
Completion of book on the West and of study of German foreign policy in historical and ideological context
1995-99 |
Foreign Policy Research Institute: citizenship and the teaching of history; European political culture and security policy during and after the Cold War
1995-99 |
Danish Institute of International Affairs: political change in the US; the United Nations; comparative social policy
2001- |
Fascism, war, and civil war in Italy; the history of freedom in European thought
2003- |
Causes and evolution of prosperity in free societies
2008- |
The Spanish Civil War.
To see a summary of project click
here |
2012- |
The American Civil War
(in Danish) |
Born 29 January 1953, Copenhagen, Danmark. Nationality U.S. and Danish.
The Danish boarding school Sorø Academy 1970.
Sorø Akademi 1970. |
David and his mother the Danish author
Elsa Gress.
David og hans mor forfatteren
Elsa Gress. |
David's father the biographer and critic R.W.B. Lewis.
Davids far litteraturhistorikeren R.W.B. Lewis. |
David and his stepfather the artist Clifford Wright.
David og hans stedfar
Clifford Wright. |
(since 1996) |
1996 |
University of Pennsylvania: “Origins of the Idea
of the West”
Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center: “German
Political Culture”
Danish Institute of International Affairs:
“Italy after the 1996 Elections” |
1997 |
Heartland Symposium on the Future of the Welfare
State, Madison, Wisconsin: “Demographic
Challenges to Welfare State Policies”
History Institute, Foreign Policy Research
Institute: “The History of History”
1998 |
Danish Institute of International Affairs:
“Religious Forces in Global Politics”
Danish Institute, Rome: “Identity of Western
Civilization,” response to panel debate on book
From Plato to NATO
History Institute, Foreign Policy Research
Institute: “Multiculturalism in World History:
The Greek and Roman Experience”
1999 |
Danish Institute, Athens: ”Occidentalism: Is
’the West’ an Ideology?”
Sorø Akademi, Sorø, Denmark: ”Is Liberalism
History Institute, Foreign Policy Research
Institute: “The Geopolitics of History: Europe”
Winchester College, England: ”Late Antiquity and
the Origins of the West”
2000 |
University of Hull, England: ”Spengler, Curtius,
and the German Appropriation of the West after
World War I”
History Institute, Foreign Policy Research
Institute: “The Cold War”
2001 |
Sorø Akademi, Sorø, Denmark: ”The History of
Human Rights”
Ry Højskole, Ry, Denmark: ”Globalization:
Challenge to the Welfare State?”
2002 |
“The Geopolitics of Europe.”
Foreign Policy Research
Institute, Philadelphia
2003 |
“The Meaning of Mobility in Western
Bioethics Implications
of Globalization Processes conference, National
Research Council of Italy, Rome
“The Post-Atlantic Situation.”
Im Westen was Neues,
Volksbühne, Berlin |
2004 |
on the U.S. presidential elections to academic and
professional groups, Denmark
2005- |
on U.S. foreign policy; the welfare state; liberalism;
globalization to academic and professional groups,
2008 |
“The Legacy of 1968 in the Culture”.
annual Vanenburg Meeting, Madrid
2008 |
Presentations to seminars and roundtables on the U.S.
presidential election |
2009 |
“The Role of Leisure in Contemporary Liberal Societies”.
annual Vanenburg Meeting, Budapest
Research Grants and Subject |
1981 |
Carlsberg Foundation, Copenhagen: the modern state
1988 |
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Committee on Security and Disarmament,
Copenhagen: US policy toward Europe
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of Net Assessment, Department of Defense,
Washington, DC: German foreign and security
policy |
1990-91 |
German Marshall Fund: political history of West Germany
1992 |
Committee on Security and Disarmament, Copenhagen:
socio-cultural trends in US
1992-94 |
Director of Net Assessment, Department of Defense,
Washington, DC: foreign policy and long-term political
and cultural trends in unified Germany
1993-94 |
Smith Richardson Foundation, New York: the idea of the
1994 |
John M. Olin Foundation: the idea of the West
1995 |
Summer fellowship, Earhart
1995-98 |
fellowship at Foreign Policy Research Institute, funded
by John M. Olin Foundation, Donner Foundation, Lynde and
Harry Bradley Foundation
2001-03 |
Chair at Boston University partly funded by John M. Olin
2003 |
Summer fellowship, Earhart Foundation
2004-05 |
Fund, Denmark, for research on the history of freedom
and the origins of economic growth
Other Professional Activities
1968-88 |
Translation of nonfiction works
from English, German and French to Danish and from
Danish to English
1980-81 |
Organizer, chairman and moderator of the First and
Second European Congress on Freedom and the Future, The
European College, Stege, Denmark
1985-95 |
Consulting to staff of US Department of Defense on
European political and security developments
1993-94 |
Advisor to founding board, The College of the Baltic,
Aabenraa, Denmark
2004- |
Member of advisory commission on the future of the
welfare state in Denmark chaired by Professor Steen
Hildebrandt, Aarhus Business School
2004 |
Member of the board, Center for Political Studies,
2004-09 |
Member of the board, Jyllands-Postens Fond (owner of
2007-08 |
Member of the Danish government’s committee to produce a
“Canon of Democratic Thought”
skills |
Bilingual in English and Danish.
Fluent in German, French,
Italian, Spanish.
Read Latin and classical Greek.
Reading knowledge of Dutch.
Slight Russian.
Faglige interesseområder |
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Europæisk politisk kultur og idéhistorie |
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Nordisk politisk kultur og velfærdsstaten |
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Den amerikanske Borgerkrig |
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Den spanske Borgerkrig |
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Nyere italiensk historie |
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Amerikansk politik |
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Den klassiske civilization og dens arv |
1953 |
født i København 29. januar |
1970 |
klassisk-sproglig student, Sorø Akademis Skole |
1975 |
B.A. i klassisk filologi, University of Cambridge, England |
1977-78 |
forskningsophold i Rom |
1981 |
Ph.d. i historie, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, USA |
1982-92 |
seniorforsker, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Californien, USA |
1983 |
gæsteforsker, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris |
1987-91 |
adjungeret professor, Department of History, Stanford University |
1992-93 |
professor, Honors College, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York, USA |
1993-94 |
gæstelektor, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, England |
1994-95 |
professor, Adelphi University |
1995-99 |
seniorforsker, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
1996-99 |
seniorforsker, Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Institut |
1999-2001 |
lektor, klassisk filologi, Aarhus Universitet |
2001-03 |
professor i kulturernes historie, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
2003-09 |
kommentator, Jyllands-Posten |
2003-05 |
medlem af den stiftende bestyrelse, Center for Politiske Studier (CEPOS) |
2007-09 |
medlem af Styrelsen for Jyllands-Postens Fond |
2007-08 |
medlem af regeringens udvalg for en demokratikanon |
2011- |
kommentator, Berlingske Tidende |
2015-2021 |
underviser i historie, The American School in Switzerland |
For fortegnelse over publikationer, klik
her |
Den amerikanske Borgerkrig
her for disposition |
Den spanske Borgerkrig
disposition |
Sproglige færdigheder |
Tosproget i dansk og engelsk.
Flydende tysk, fransk, italiensk, spansk. Læser hollandsk, latin og oldgræsk. |